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Benefits of Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident

Written By James J. Hether, D.C. on June 22, 2020

Auto Injury Treatment Seeking auto injury treatment following a minor accident doesn't always cross the mind of those that are involved. Instead, they are focused on the events that led up to the accident and any damage done to their vehicle. 

What many don't realize is that even the most minor of accidents can lead to injuries, even if they don't appear right away. It's also worth pointing out that Floridians have only 14 days to seek out auto injury treatment under Florida state law. So, no matter how minor the accident, you should never delay seeking out auto injury treatment following an accident.

Signs You Need to Seek Out Auto Injury Treatment

When most people are involved in an auto accident, they experience an adrenaline rush that prevents them from experiencing pain. This is due to the fight or flight response and helps victims to get out of harm's way. Thanks to this adrenaline rush, victims of an auto accident often don’t realize they are even hurt.

Some of the most common injuries that are experienced in these situations include: 

  • Whiplash
  • Back/Neck/Shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Tingling/Numbness in extremities

While whiplash seems minor to some, research has shown that the actions that lead to whiplash can have severe effects on the cervical spine and that it is essential to receive treatment as soon as possible. 

How Chiropractic Can Help

Chiropractic care offers several different solutions to those who are seeking auto injury treatment. Once you've made your appointment, you and your chiropractor will sit down to discuss the accident and any issues you may be having as a result. From there, your Doctor of Chiropractic will do a physical examination to help them determine the best treatment plan.

Some of the most common auto injury treatment plans include a combination of the following treatments:

Auto Injury Treatment in DeLand, FL

It doesn't matter the severity of the motor vehicle accident. You should always seek out auto injury treatment following even the smallest of fender-benders to make sure that no long term damage has been done. 

Were you or a loved one recently involved in a car accident and need auto injury treatment? Then contact us today or call our DeLand, FL, office at (386) 734-0702.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injuries